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October Newsletter 2019: Walk 4 Hearing Oct 5th @ University of Houston!


Upcoming Meeting!

Monthly meetings every 2nd Saturday of the month.

This month's meeting will be held on Saturday, October 12th, 2019 at 9:30 am

Meeting Location:

We now meet at St. Luke Presbyterian Church

8915 Timberside Drive Houston, Texas 77025

(Visible from Bethany Methodist parking lot.)


Our speaker for October,

Javier Cosentino

He will talk about "HEARING TECHNOLOGY: DON'T WAIT!" Javier will go over many of the newest and latest features of the Cochlear N7 implant. Come enlighten yourself and learn more about this outstanding and forward-moving technology. We look forward to seeing you there!


Our Chapter Board Members

Jan Connolly President email:

Allan Ofield Past President email:

Enriqueta Martinez Treasurer email:

Mike Quinlan Secretary email:

Teri Wathen Advisor email:

Lois Johnson Advisor email:

Upcoming Events!

Join us at the University of Houston Main Campus by Walking 4 Hearing in support of the Hearing Loss Association of America.

Go to Registration!

Deaf and Hard of Hearing

Deaf and Hard of Hearing PIP Meeting

"Positive Interaction Program"

For the month of October, our program presentation topic will be:

“ 311 Help Line ”

The 311 Houston Service Helpline is a consolidated call center designed to make city government more user-friendly and responsive to city residents by providing citizens with one telephone number to call for information on city services and to report non-emergency concerns.

WHERE: Woodhaven Church for the Deaf
9920 Long Point Rd. Houston, TX 77055
# 713-308-9079

WHEN: Tuesday, October 1, 2019 at 7:00 p.m
From: Officer James Sobota "Hope to see you there!"

E-Mail: James.Sobota@houstonpolice.orgASL

Interpreter and captioning provided

James Sobota Citywide PIP Coordinator Houston Police Department


About the Walk 4 Hearing!

From the National Website STEP UP for People with Hearing Loss! The Hearing Loss Association of America (HLAA) Walk4Hearing is the largest walk for hearing loss awareness in the country. Every spring and fall thousands of walkers – children and their families, young adults, young at heart, professionals, corporations, and everyone in between – form teams and walk in their communities to increase public awareness about hearing loss and raise funds for programs and services. HLAA depends on generous volunteers to raise funds, generate enthusiasm and awareness at each of the Walk4Hearing sites.

Register for the Walk4Hearing at:

Meet Our Honorary Walk4Hearing Chair

“The energy and excitement on Walk day is fantastic! The Walk4Hearing brings the local community together to support people with hearing loss, along with their friends and family. CaptionCall is committed to supporting HLAA in their mission to help us all live better with hearing loss. The Walk4Hearing reminds us to take actions that improve our hearing health and the way we communicate.”

– Bruce Peterson, Vice President of Government and Community Relations for CaptionCall


Fun Fact: At Our Houston Walk, we had 73 Hearing Screenings while New York only had 7!

How Are Funds Used?

Since 2006, the Walk4Hearing has welcomed almost 100,000 walkers and 8,300 teams to come together and share their hearing journey. Funds raised through the Walk4Hearing are shared between the local Walk sites and HLAA national.

National Programs

Raise public awareness and provide unbiased information about hearing healthAdvocate at the federal level to support policies such as hearing aid compatible and captioned phones, hearing access in public places, and captioning on the internetHold research symposia on relevant hearing loss issuesSupport those on their hearing journey, including parents of children with hearing lossWork with industry to ensure that products are accessible to people with hearing lossProvide consumer input to researchOffer resource toolkits for the workplace and in medical settings.

Local Programs

Provide resources such as captioning and meeting spaces for HLAA Chapters to educate and support their local hearing loss communityHelp fund college tuition scholarships for students with hearing lossFinancially assist those that cannot afford hearing aids and other devicesEstablish hearing access in public places through the installation of hearing assistive technologyHold hearing health seminars sponsored by HLAA Chapters and other community groups.

Capture the Moment – Experience the Walk4Hearing

We are HEAR for you!


The Hearing Loss Association of America Houston Chapter is your local support group and organization for the deaf and hard of hearing of Houston, Texas. We wouldn't be here helping those in need without YOU! We are continuously growing in support, technology, and resources to help all who we can.

C0set Media Management

With the internet & media rapidly growing,I am here to help the HLAA Houston Chapter reach those in need of support and to raise awareness of hearing loss to audiences through social media, thus giving the organization more outreach than ever before.


Photography, Videography, Editing, Website Development, Social Media Management

Click to get in contact with us!

Follow us on social media! @HLAAHOU

This concludes our October E-newsletter of 2019!

A special thank you to the readers and sponsors supporting the HLAA Houston chapter. The best is yet to come!

Our Newsletter is proudly created by C0set Media Management & Content Creation

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1414 Wirt Rd, Houston, TX

    ©2019 by Hearing Loss Association of America Houston Chapter.

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