Come and meet people who understand the challenges and joys of living with hearing loss
Meetings are held on the third Saturday of each month from 9:30 AM – 11:00 am at Trini Mendenhall Community Center, 1414 Wirt Rd, Houston, TX 77055 (a few exits west of 610 West Loop)
Gather: 9:30am
Presentation: 10:00am
Texas Technology Access (FREE - Loan) Program TTAP with Shannon Paige, Speech Language Pathologist.
TTAPwebsite lists over 48 Devices for assistive listening and sound alerting to borrow for FREE for up to 35 days that can help you to receive sound and overcome the barriers of hearing loss. TRY before you buy!
Topics to be discussed include…
-Assistive Technology Tools and Overview of the program
-Hearing/Listening Strategies
-Equipment Exploration
Come On Out! See old friends AND MAKE new friends!!!!! Refreshments provided!!!
To sign up for the email reminder list contact:
Michael Quinlan
Sign up to "subscribe" here on our website
LIVE Real Time Captioning and Induction Loop Provided
Spring has sprung!! Get out of the house!